Our Aim
To make Christ fully known to everyone and make everyone fully grown in Christ
(Colossians 1:28)
Make Christ fully known to everyone:
The role of Christians in this world is to declare the lordship of Christ and be the physical demonstration of his grace and love to a world broken by sin. Through the way we live our lives and connect with our community, it is our prayer that others would see Jesus more accurately and witness the love of God through our church.
Make everyone fully grown in Christ:
Coming to know Christ as Saviour and Lord is only the first step in all that God has made available for us. By growing in our knowledge of Christ, we are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit to become people of hope and purpose, and discover the joy of being in friendship with God.
We would love you to join us as we seek to follow what Jesus has called us to do in response to all he has done for us!
What We Believe
For more information on our common beliefs as Baptists go to www.nswactbaptists.org.au/who-we-are/