“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7


Contributing to the work of the church is an important part of our worship as Christ-followers. God has been generous to us in the gift of His Son, and calls us to reflect that generosity in our commitment to the ministry and mission of the local church so that the good news of Jesus can continue to be proclaimed and demonstrated across the globe.

Your giving supports the following work:
– Discipleship ministry here at GPBC (Kids, youth, worship etc.)
– Our local and global Mission initiatives (Brewarrina, Mozambique)
– Developing and maintaining our facilities


Direct Deposit

Account Name:
Green Point Baptist Church

BSB: 704922

Acc No: 100011493


Simply bring your offering to church and place it in the offering bags before or during the service

(Make the cheque out to: Green Point Baptist Church)